
Praktikum in IT/MultimediaInternship in IT/Multimedia

Arbeitsgebiet: IT und Multimedia Unternehmen in Windhoek

Aufgaben: Unterstützung der Unternehmen in den Bereichen Webdesign, Gestaltung Templates, die Integration von CMS-Systemen, Multimedia-und Grafik-Design, Applikationsentwicklung, usw.

Geeignet für: IT Studenten oder Webdesigner

Dauer: ein bis sechs Monate

Voraussetzungen: Persönliches Engagement, Englisch Grundkenntnisse, Interesse und Fähigkeiten im IT-und / oder Multimedia.Field of work: IT and Multimedia company in Windhoek

Tasks: assisting the company in web design, designing templates, integrating CMS systems, multimedia and graphic design, application development, etc.

Suitable for: IT Students or people with affinity in IT

Duration: One to six months

Requirements: Personal engagement, English basic knowledge, interest and skills in IT and/or Multimedia.

Praktikum in einem AltersheimInternship at an elderly home

Arbeitsgebiet: Altenheim

Aufgaben: Die Betreuung von älteren Leuten, Organisation und Schaffung von Aktivitäten

Geeignet für: Studenten aus sozialen Felder und Volunteers

Dauer: Zwei Wochen bis sechs Monate

Zustand: Persönliches Engagement und grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse, um das Interesse mit Menschen im Alter zu arbeiten

Beginn: jederzeitField of work: Elderly Home

Tasks: Taking care of elderly women and organising and creating activities

Suitable for: Students of care / social fields and Volunteers

Duration: Two weeks to six months

Condition: Personal engagement and basic German knowledge, affinity to work with people of age

Beginning: Any time

Internship in Law

Field of work: law firms, government departments
Tasks: escort the lawyers in court, independent research, officework
Duration: 1 to 6 months
Suitable for: law students, paralegals
Conditions: personal engagement, good English skills

Semester abroad at a local university

Semester abroad at a local university (Polytech + UNAM)

Every course of studies that is offered at the local universities for every kind of university/university of applied sciences student.

Conditions: Basic knowledge of English.Field: Semester abroad at a Namibian university

Suitable for: Every course of studies that is offered at the local universities for students of every kind of academic university or university of applied sciences student.

Conditions: Basic knowledge of English.

Internship in Tourism

Field of work: guestfarms, lodges, hotels & pensions in Windhoek and in the surrounding of the capital
Tasks: general hotelwork: officework (statistics), kitchen & service
Duration: 1 to 6 months
Suitable for: tourism students
personal engagement, good English skills, multi-lingual skills can be helpful
Beginning: Any timeField of work: guestfarms, lodges, hotels & pensions in Windhoek and in the surrounding of the capital
Tasks: general hotelwork, officework (statistics), kitchen, service
Duration: 1 to 6 months
Suitable for: students in tourism/hospitality, volunteers who are interested
personal engagement, good English skills, multi-lingual skills can be helpful, service-minded
Beginning: Any time

Praktikum oder Freiwilligenarbeit auf einer PferdefarmInternship/Volunteering at a horse farm

Arbeitsgebiet: Pferdefarm/Gestüt

Aufgaben: Allgemeines Arbeiten mit Pferden

Geeignet für: Pferdeliebhaber, Agrarstudenten

Dauer: Zwei Wochen bis sechs Monate

Voraussetzungen: Persönliches Engagement und Pferdekenntnisse Voraussetzung

Beginn: jederzeit

 Field of work: horse farm work, board and lodge inclusive
Tasks: working and riding horses, helping in the kitchen and serving guests
Duration: 1 to 6 months
Suitable for: horseback riders, people interested in horses and working with them, nature lovers
 personal engagement, horse and nature lover, english speaking,
Beginning: Any time

Internship in civil engineering at a local companyInternship in civil engineering at a local company

Field of work: Private Business Company
Tasks: General work in engineering and architecture
From 1 to 6 months
Suitable for:
Students of  fields civil engineering and architecture
Personal engagement,  civil engineering or architecture experience,  good knowledge of English
Any timeField of work: Private Engineering Company
Tasks: General work in engineering and architecture
From 1 to 6 months
Suitable for:
Students of  fields civil engineering and architecture
Personal engagement,  civil engineering or architecture experience,  good knowledge of English
Any time


Arbeitsgebiet: NGO oder staatliche Einrichtungen

Aufgaben: Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung

Geeignet für: Studenten der Umweltwissenschaften, Geographie, Geologie, Biologie, Tiermedizin, Umweltrecht

Dauer: mindestens 2 Monate

Beginn: jederzeit

 Field of work: Environmental Impact assessment
Suitable for: students of environmental sciences, geography, geology, biology, veterinary medicine, environmental law
Duration: minimum 2 months

Praktikum in Medien, Journalismus, KommunikationInternship in Media, Journalism, Communication

Arbeitsgebiet: lokale Radio- und TV-Sender, Zeitungen, NGO

Dauer: mindestens 1 Monat

Geeignet für: Studenten aus dem Bereich Journalismus  und Kommunikation

Bedingungen: Persönliches Engagement, gute Englischkenntnisse

Beginn: jederzeitField of work: local radio and TV channel or newspaper
Duration: at least 1 months
Suitable for:
undergraduates and postgraduate Media/Journalism/Communication students
Personal engagement,  good English skills
Any time