Internship in Law

Field of work: law firms, government departments
Tasks: escort the lawyers in court, independent research, officework
Duration: 1 to 6 months
Suitable for: law students, paralegals
Conditions: personal engagement, good English skills

Semester abroad at a local university

Semester abroad at a local university (Polytech + UNAM)

Every course of studies that is offered at the local universities for every kind of university/university of applied sciences student.

Conditions: Basic knowledge of English.Field: Semester abroad at a Namibian university

Suitable for: Every course of studies that is offered at the local universities for students of every kind of academic university or university of applied sciences student.

Conditions: Basic knowledge of English.

Internship in Tourism

Field of work: guestfarms, lodges, hotels & pensions in Windhoek and in the surrounding of the capital
Tasks: general hotelwork: officework (statistics), kitchen & service
Duration: 1 to 6 months
Suitable for: tourism students
personal engagement, good English skills, multi-lingual skills can be helpful
Beginning: Any timeField of work: guestfarms, lodges, hotels & pensions in Windhoek and in the surrounding of the capital
Tasks: general hotelwork, officework (statistics), kitchen, service
Duration: 1 to 6 months
Suitable for: students in tourism/hospitality, volunteers who are interested
personal engagement, good English skills, multi-lingual skills can be helpful, service-minded
Beginning: Any time

Praktikum oder Freiwilligenarbeit auf einer PferdefarmInternship/Volunteering at a horse farm

Arbeitsgebiet: Pferdefarm/Gestüt

Aufgaben: Allgemeines Arbeiten mit Pferden

Geeignet für: Pferdeliebhaber, Agrarstudenten

Dauer: Zwei Wochen bis sechs Monate

Voraussetzungen: Persönliches Engagement und Pferdekenntnisse Voraussetzung

Beginn: jederzeit

 Field of work: horse farm work, board and lodge inclusive
Tasks: working and riding horses, helping in the kitchen and serving guests
Duration: 1 to 6 months
Suitable for: horseback riders, people interested in horses and working with them, nature lovers
 personal engagement, horse and nature lover, english speaking,
Beginning: Any time

Surprise Party for Gerda

On 26 February, organized by the residents in the hostel for mom Gerda a surprise party for her birthday. It was celebrated delicious grilled and in a good mood. The surprise is thus achieved. All have helped hard-working and it was purely to celebrate the birthday and initiated. Gerda was very happy about it and was visibly moved.

Internship in civil engineering at a local companyInternship in civil engineering at a local company

Field of work: Private Business Company
Tasks: General work in engineering and architecture
From 1 to 6 months
Suitable for:
Students of  fields civil engineering and architecture
Personal engagement,  civil engineering or architecture experience,  good knowledge of English
Any timeField of work: Private Engineering Company
Tasks: General work in engineering and architecture
From 1 to 6 months
Suitable for:
Students of  fields civil engineering and architecture
Personal engagement,  civil engineering or architecture experience,  good knowledge of English
Any time

Safari in Etosha Nationalpark

The Etosha national park is one of the most famous attractions of Namibia and  inherent part of every Namibia tour. Almost all our interns and volunteer’s travel in their spare time to experience the biodiversity of the animals on site.

Weekend at Waterberg

Elonga Interns explore the majestic Waterberg, located  250 km outside Windhoek, on their weekend off. Students and Volunteers recover from the past week’s work on the red sandstone plateau while enjoying a miraculous view. This nature reserve is an ideal place for our interns to go hiking and to observe game and birds.


Arbeitsgebiet: NGO oder staatliche Einrichtungen

Aufgaben: Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung

Geeignet für: Studenten der Umweltwissenschaften, Geographie, Geologie, Biologie, Tiermedizin, Umweltrecht

Dauer: mindestens 2 Monate

Beginn: jederzeit

 Field of work: Environmental Impact assessment
Suitable for: students of environmental sciences, geography, geology, biology, veterinary medicine, environmental law
Duration: minimum 2 months